Jayalalithaa, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu whose influence in the state has been unyielding ever since she assumed power in 2011, turned 68 today. Although her term was seen to be tumultuous including a stay for a few days in jail in the disproportionate assets case, her popularity has soared ever since she was acquitted in the case.
But in recent times, more often than her administrative decisions, the methods that AIADMK workers and leaders adopt to prove their loyalty to 'Puratchi Thalaivi' (Revolutionary Leader) Jayalalithaa have given way to criticism. It is no secret that her order and discipline is gospel for the party, who possibly cannot imagine a future without her. Their attempts at sycophancy have always been derided in the mainstream media. Anyone raising a finger at 'Amma' often finds his/her future uncertain within 24 hours in the party and you can be assured, such instances are few and far between.
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