ADVANCE COMPUTER PROGRAMMING

TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100
                                                           Answer all questions                                
                                                           PART-A                                       (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
1.       What does it mean by the term function
2.        What are the advantages and disadvantages of recursive function.
3.       Write a different between compile time and run time.
4.       How to Accessing Array Elements.
5.        What does it mean by the term String and give its syntax.
6.        How do you call a character string expressed as a constant?
7.        Define the term “pointer” and give its declaration syntax.
8.       What is the numeric value identifier of a memory location called ?
9.         Define “Union”
10.     Write about “Bit-Fields”

                                                          PART-B                                       (5 X 4 = 20 Marks)

11     a)   What does it mean by user defined function and give the example program to  demonstrate function.
       11 b) Write a c program for factorial of a given number using recursion.
12     a)  What are the properties of an array?               
      12.b)  Write a program to find the sum of 10 elements using array.  

      13. a) Explain about How you declaring and initializing string variables with example.
       13 b)  Write a program to find the length of a string.

14a) Write a program using pointers to determine the length of a character string.
      14b)  Write a function using pointers to exchange the values stored in two locations in the memory.

      15a)   Explain about Initializing Structures with example.
    15b)   With example program written in C language describe the term Union.
               PART – C                                  (5 x 12 = 60 marks)
16.a) Explain in details on the calling a function by value and by reference with a perfect example in C    programming for each.
16. b)  Write a C program for binary search in ascending order to implement the arrays and functions.

17 a)  Write a C program to sort an array using selection sort.
17b)  Write a C program for the implementation of matrix addition and subtraction.
18a ) Write a program to compare the length of two strings.
18b) Write a program to concatenation of two strings.

19.a)  Briefly explain about String Manipulation Using Pointers with example program.

19b)  With example program elucidate about pointers and one dimensional array.

20a)   brief explain about structure pointers with example program
20b)  Discuss about structures and functions  With example program



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