1. Using
suitable visual basic program demonstrate the arithmetic operation
2. Show the
output of digital timer using visual basic codes
3. How will you
calculate the simple and compound interest in visual basic programming?
4. Using
suitable visual basic programming demonstrate the keyboard and mouse events
5. Illstrate the
method of data control in the database
6. How will you
use the database without data control in visual basic?
7. Demonstrate the employee payroll processing
system with visual basic
8. Explain the
method of text formatting in visual basic
9. Construct
program for currency converter application in visual basic
10. Write a
program to the intrinsic control in visual basic
11. Construct
program for Temperature conversion application in visual basic
12. Write a
program to the vscroll and hscroll controls in visual basic
13. How will you
use the Adodc with data grid control in visual basic?
14. Explain the
method of OLE container control in visual basic
15. Write a
program to make a message box using MFC application wizard
16. Create a
login form using MFC application wizard
17. How will you
make the Arithmetic operation using vc++ application wizard?
18. Write a
program to make a Active x control using vc++ application wizard
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