Discuss about structures and functions With example program

A structure is a bit more complicated than a single value, so it is not surprising that ancient C implementations do not allow a structure to be used as an argument for a function.it can be passed as a function argument to a function that accepts that particular type.    

#include <stdio.h>

#define FUNDLEN 50
struct funds {
    char   bank[FUNDLEN];
    double bankfund;
    char   save[FUNDLEN];
    double savefund;
double sum(double, double);
int main(void)

    struct funds stan = {
        "Garlic-Melon Bank",
        "Lucky's Savings and Loan",

    printf("Stan has a total of $%.2f.\n",
           sum(stan.bankfund, stan.savefund) );

    return 0;


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