Max. Marks: 100
Answer all questions
PART-A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Specify the terms States,
Operator, Goal Test, and Path Cost in 8- puzzle problems.
2. Why problem formulation must follow the goal
3. How TELL and ASK are used in
4. What you mean by ontological
5. Compare any two differences
between supervised learning and unsupervised learning.
6. State the reasons why the
inductive logic programming is popular.
7. What is the use of online search agents in
unknown environments?
8. Specify the complexity of expectiminimax.
9. What are the characteristics of Information in
artificial intelligence application?
10. List any two major advantage of “DCG “.
PART-B (5 X 4 = 20 Marks)
11 a) Explain the concept of Rationality in
Artificial intelligence with an example.
11 b) Compare
any four differences between uninformed search and informed search?
12. a) Mention any four Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
grammar representations for propositional logic.
12.b) List any four differences between Universal
quantifier and Existential quantifier with an
13. a) Discuss, What are the components
are needs in design of learning element.
13b) Discuss the partial order planning
using the Taxi driver problem.
14a) Summarize
the “Simulated Annealing” with an application. (OR)
14b) Write
a short note on following:
(i) Cutest
(ii) Tree decomposition.
15a) Explain
the method of Discourse Understanding for the following the example passage
“Charles flagged down the waiter. He ordered a ham sandwich”.
15b) List the three types of ambiguity with an example.
PART – C (5 x 12 = 60 marks)
Using suitable example explain the following tree strategies:
(i) Depth-first search.
(ii) Iterative deepening depth-first search.
16. b) With the help of “Vacuum
World Problem Environment ” example Explain the searching with
partial information
17 a) Explain the various steps associated with the knowledge
engineering process? Discuss them by
applying the steps to
any real world application of your choice.
17b) How will you solve the following problems in
situation Calculus?
Representational frame problems.
(ii) Inferential
frame problems.
18a ) Find the
effectiveness for the following:
”How Decision
trees could be used for inductive learning”.
18b) With the
help of suitable example Explain the Following learning methodologies.
(i) Passive Reinforcement Learning
(ii) Active
Reinforcement Learning
19.a) Discuss the various issues associated with the backtracking
search for CSPs. How are they
19b) Explain Min-Max Algorithm using for example Tic-Tac-Toe game and
Alpha-beta pruning.
20a) Explain the Machine Translation system with a
neat sketch. Analyze its learning probabilities.
20b) (i) Describe the process involved in
communication using the example sentence
“Please help me to carry
the gold “.
(ii) Write short notes on semantic
interpretation for the following the examples.
“Arithmetic expression and English
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