The moment you announce that you are planning to get pregnant, you are bombarded with advice on how best to get pregnant from your friends, relatives or basically anybody you know. And believe it or no, most of them turns out to be myths.
When planning for a baby, keep in mind that pregnancy and wishing for a baby is entirely a matter between you and your partner. Any baseless ideas should be avoided so as not to get confused.
10 Common Myths Of Pregnancy
You must have heard about many myths related to fertility and pregnancy. For instance, if you are planning for a child, seek help a year prior to it or that use contraceptives for a long duration of time can slower the process of getting pregnant.
These types of myths are so popular that it becomes difficult to seperate the truth from the myths. Such fertility myths busted by the knowledge of science. There have been plenty of researches and studies that has helped to have common fertility myths busted.
Common Pregnancy Myths In India
Do you know which male fertility myths have been busted or what are the female fertility myth prelevant in the society? People say men's fertility can be negatively affected by wearing tight underwear? Really? That is such a hilarious and ridiculous idea. Creating confusion only makes things more dire for the couples planning on having a baby. Read on learn what fertility myths have been busted.
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