No one should attempt to commercialise yoga when it is already a part of traditional knowledge of India, Delhi High Court judge Manmohan Singh feels, as the nation gears up to celebrate the International Yoga Day on June 21.
Justice Singh also said 'Asanas' of yoga cannot be copyrighted by anyone as one cannot claim originality over the 'Asanas' due to their extensive presence in India's literature and traditional knowledge.
Referring to a judgement delivered by him in January 2014, rejecting intellectual property rights in yoga, the judge said the verdict had "a greater impact on the emerging trend of commercialising Yoga and its Asanas".
"Yoga finds its place in Granthas as well as mythological books like Bhagavad Gita and has always been considered as sourced from India.
"Indian government's position of celebrating International Yoga Day is one of the ways of connecting people of India with the spiritual practice, though the religious books of India are already prescribing it on day to day basis as a way to attain peace and tranquillity," Singh said.
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