Nicki Minaj & Meek Mill Are Going On Tour Together

Nick Minaj & Meek Mill are taking their relationship to the next level - by going on tour together. Please forget that fib that Nicki said in an interview that she and Meek Mill are jusu friends, we are not buying that.

Nick made the announcement last night via Instagram, writing:

Every now & then in this dog eat dog business you'll meet precious gems. Ppl u trust without rlly knowing why. Ppl who believe in u when u don't why. Ppl who aren't afraid to tell u ur wrong. Ppl so great at what they do they inspire u without trying. One look and they know what I'm thinking. Sense of humor on fleek. Spirituality on fleek. I had to have known them in another life. Crazy like me, emotional like me, genuine and passionate like me. I love u LaurieAnn and Rushka. For all the things u do that have nothing to do with my profession. Just for being there for me. Taking care of me. The real me. The advice. The love. The loyalty. The hugs. My mothers away from home. ???? #ThePinkprintTOUR #EuropeanEdition kicks off next month with Trey Songz. See u guys soon!!! @boomkack @rushkabergman ???? #ThePinkprintTOUR comes to America this summer with @meekmill and MORE! Can't wait to unveil the rest of the line up! Loveeeee????

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