Taking note of Facebook posts by a trainee IASOFFICER detailing her experience with the judiciary after she filed a case of sexual harassment, the Madhya Pradesh government on Tuesday said it would approach the high court with a request for appropriate response.
Cabinet Minister and official spokesman of the government Narottam Mishra said theOFFICER was unhappy with what happened during judicial proceedings. He said the government would bring the incident to the knowledge of theREGISTRAR general of the high court.
IAS officer Riju Bafna had taken to Facebook to describe her traumatic experience while recording her statement before a judicial magistrate in Seoni.
TheOFFICER said when she requested the magistrate to allow in camera recording of her statement, an advocate, who was just a bystander, took offence to being asked to leave. He argued and used rude language before leaving the court room, she said.
Bafna said the magistrate kept silent during the entire incident and when she finally recorded her statement remarked that she was young, a new recruit on first posting, which is why she had expectations of privacy. “I would get to know the system and courts with time and get done away with such demands,” the IASOFFICER posted quoting the magistrate.
Bafna had posted her first comments on August 1 when she said, “If you are born in this country, better prepare yourself for struggle at every step.” Later she apologized for that remark saying, “I wrote that line in the spur of the moment and I regret blaming the country for the fault of individuals.”
Mishra said theOFFICER had no grievance against the government because the district collector had prompted acted on her complaint and removed the alleged offender.
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